Java Upgrading Spring Security from 5 to 6 Upgrading a "legacy" Spring 5 / Java 11 SPA to Spring 6 / Java 17 was a bit of a to do. Things you may run into with Spring Security: WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is gone. Ant matchers no longer exist. You have to set a config item to
Spring Boot Disable Spring Data Rest AutoConfigure From Springfox Boot Starter Long title! Huge problem! I haven't used springfox / swagger in a couple years, but the toolchain seems to be a complete disaster. 2.9.x versions are bringing in old versions of Guava, et al that would require a large amount of effort to
Java Side-loading Spring Boot Dependencies I like Spring Boot. Spring Boot is great...if you stay within their parameters. One major pain point though is not using the Spring boot parent pom: <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent<